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    • 心臓血管外科学
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    • 理学療法学
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    • 医学全般

  • 看護学・介護学
    • 基礎看護学
    • 成人看護学
    • 精神看護学
    • 保健看護学
    • 地域看護学

  • 電子工学   
    • 電気電子工学
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    • 航空機システム学

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  • The prioritization of U.S. health care personnel for early receipt of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), allowed for the evaluation of the effectiveness of these new vaccines in a real-world setting.[NEJM]
    effectiveness 有効性 ※ efficacy VS effectiveness 「理想環境での効果(efficacy),実際社会での効果(effectiveness)」の違い
  • Given the wide confidence interval for the rate ratio for death from any cause, we cannot rule out the possibility of an increase (or decrease) in risk with an early exercise regimen among some patients.[NEJM]
    Given ~を考慮すると、 ~を考えると ※ Given+名詞, Given (the fact) that 文 ★ "Given that ..." or "Given ..." tends to be said of things that are 100% true.
  • In the baloxavir group, the viral PA substitutions I38T/M or E23K were detected in 10 (2.7%) and 5 (1.3%) participants, respectively. [NEJM]
    respectively それぞれ ※ A and/or B are C and D, respectively. つまり、 PA のI38T/M 変異ウイルスが 10 例(2.7%),E23K 変異ウイルスが 5 例(1.3%)★ 複数の事象同士が一対一ではっきりと対応する文脈で、それら複数のペアをまとめて表現するのに使う
  • On the basis of this criterion, 389 of 434 participants (89.6%) who had received a priming dose of Ad26.COV2.S vaccine had detectable S-specific binding antibodies at baseline.[NEJM]
    on the basis of ~に基づいて ※ 文法的には動詞を修飾する副詞の働き ★ based on は受動態や分詞の働き
  • The standard of care consisted of symptomatic therapy and monitoring for signs of early deterioration based on clinical findings, laboratory test results, and chest imaging.[JAMA]
    based on ~に基づいた (分詞の働き) ※ be based on ~は受動態で 「~に基づいている」
  • Hospitalization increased the likelihood of future cardiovascular complications, but even people who avoided hospitalization were at higher risk for many conditions.[Nature]
    likelihood 可能性 ※ likelihoodは、likely(ありそうな、起こりそうな)の名詞形で、possibilityよりも実現性が高い可能性を表します。★ "Likelihood" has greater chance of happening than "possibility."
  • Tricuspid regurgitation is common in patients with severe degenerative mitral regurgitation.[NEJM]
    be common in patients with 症状 〜患者によく見られる
  • A total of 3102 patients were enrolled; 1554 were randomly assigned to undergo single internal-thoracic-artery grafting (the single-graft group) and 1548 to undergo bilateral internal-thoracic-artery grafting (the bilateral-graft group). [NEJM]
    ; セミコロンは、接続詞なしで文を繋げられるのが「;」です。文と文の関連性が高い場合に使われる。
  • Intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies were observed in a biopsy specimen, confirming a diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum.[NEJM]
    be observed in 〜 〜で観察される、見られる ★ biopsy specimen 生検標本
  • More frequent heart failure was noted in the intensive-treatment group.[NEJM]
    note ~示す、分かる、~に特に言及する、~を指摘する、記述する、注意する等
  • On examination of the anterior segment, he was found to have multiple brown iris nodules consistent with Lisch nodules. [NEJM]
    On examination 調査[検査]の結果 (~ということが判明した) ※ 文頭で用いられた場合
  • Women who preferred filtered brew also had a 15 percent lower overall mortality rate compared with those who didn't drink coffee at all, though this was not true for men. [Everyday Health]
    compared with ~と比べて ※ 本来同じ性質やグループのものの中に、何らかの違いを見出す
  • The role of direct oral anticoagulants as compared with vitamin K antagonists for atrial fibrillation after successful transcatheter aortic-valve replacement (TAVR) has not been well studied.[NEJM]
    as compared with ~と比べると、比較すると ※ as (it is) compared with と考えると分かりやすい。 as(接)は「~する時、~した場合」の意味
  • Examination showed sclerotic skin changes with lymphedema in the left arm and axillary lymphadenopathy.[NEJM]
    show ~を示す ※ 人や研究が何かを明らかにしたときにもshowが使える
  • CT of the abdomen and pelvis revealed multiple dilated, fluid-filled loops of small bowel measuring up to 4 cm in diameter, with air–fluid levels and a transition point in the right lower quadrant.[NEJM]
  • At present, repurposed anti-inflammatory drugs (dexamethasone, tocilizumab, and sarilumab), monoclonal antibodies, and antivirals (remdesivir, molnupiravir, and nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) have demonstrated treatment benefits at different stages of COVID-19.[NEJM]
    demonstrate 「実例を示して明らかにする」という意味 ※ 実際に行って相手に対して証明する、明示するというニュアンスを表すので、対象としてはデータや客観的事実を扱う事が多い。
  • These findings suggest that revaccination of individuals with an immediate allergic reaction to a first SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine dose in a supervised setting equipped to manage severe allergic reactions can be safe.[NEJM]
    suggest ~を示唆する ※ 目的語となる事象について、存在する、ありうることを「示唆する」という意味
  • A diagnostic test was performed , and management decisions were made.[NEJM]
    perform 実施する,行う ※ 手術などの医療処置や検査,あるいは様々な統計手法や分析を「実施する,行う」と表現したいときに用いる
  • Vaccine effectiveness estimates in models restricted to symptomatic cases were similar to those from models that also included asymptomatic cases.[NEJM]
    estimate 評価する ※ 「大ざっぱにつかむ」「推測する」という意味合いが強い
  • Tricuspid repair resulted in more frequent permanent pacemaker implantation.[NEJM]
    resulted in (~という)結果になる、(結果的に)~になる
  • Among nonhospitalized patients who were at high risk for Covid-19 progression, a 3-day course of remdesivir had an acceptable safety profile and resulted in an 87% lower risk of hospitalization or death than placebo.[NEJM]
    a 3-day course of remdesivir レムデシビルを 3 日間投与する治療 ※ a course of ~ ~の治療
  • Autoantibodies were also found in at least 18% of people who died from the disease. In contrast, people with no or mild symptoms had very low levels of these autoantibodies.[NEJM]
    in contrast 一方で、対照的に ※ 対照的な(二つのものの相違点が著しく際立っている)ものを並べるための対比・対照の表現。
  • While you can't do much about aging, you can do something about high blood pressure. [MedPage Today]
    while A, B Aであるのに対して、B (対比を表す)
  • Homologous boosters increased neutralizing antibody titers by a factor of 4 to 20, whereas heterologous boosters increased titers by a factor of 6 to 73.[NEJM]
    whereas ~であるのに対して[反して]、~である一方で ※ 二者あるいは二つの事柄を比較して大きな差があるときに用いられる (参)by a factor of ~ (増減の規模が) ~倍で
  • Early treatment with molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death in at-risk, unvaccinated adults with Covid-19. [NEJM]
    treatment with~ ~による治療 ※ early treatment 早期治療
  • Most cases of high blood pressure (about 85% to 90%) are referred to as essential or primary hypertension.[MedPage Today]
    be referred to as = called ~と呼ばれている
  • Pulmonary arterial hypertension is characterized by pulmonary vascular remodeling, cellular proliferation, and poor long-term outcomes.[NEJM]
    be characterized by ~を特徴とする
  • In this pragmatic trial involving patients with established cardiovascular disease, there was substantial dose switching to 81 mg of daily aspirin and no significant differences in cardiovascular events or major bleeding between patients assigned to 81 mg and those assigned to 325 mg of aspirin daily. [NEJM]
    involving patients with ~の患者を対象とした
  • A 48-year-old woman with advanced cirrhosis presented with fatigue. [NEJM]
    present with ~を主訴に当院受診する ※ present with (chief complaint)
  • An 82-year-old woman was admitted with pain, swelling, and discoloration of the left arm. [NEJM]
    be admitted with ~を訴えて入院する
  • High blood pressure is defined as a blood pressure greater than 140/90 millimeters of mercury (mmHg).[MedPage Today]
    be defined as ~と定義されている
  • Other disorders, like diabetes, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea, are also associated with essential hypertension.[MedPage Today]
    be associated with ~と関連している (外的要因による関連性)
  • In additional experiments, the team found that the NSAID inhibition of caspase was independent of COX enzymes.[NIH]
    be independent of ~と無関係である
  • These enzymes are pivotal in the inflammatory process.[NIH]
    pivotal = very important 極めて重要な 類) vital, crucial
  • These cells are different from normal cells, in that they do not die normally.[NIH]
    , in that ~という点において
  • They also stressed they do not recommend omega-3 PUFA for preventing.....[MedPage Today]
    stress 強調する、主張する 同) emphasize
  • Reseachers analyzed hospital data related to the outbreak of Clostridium difficile, a "superbug" gut infection. [HealthDay News]
    related to ~に関する 同) relating to
  • Another 1% of this group will undergo emergency surgery. [MedPage Today]
    undergo ~受ける、経験する 同) experience
  • She said that means that by 2020 as many as 500,000 people are going to need a drug that can rapidly reverse anticoagulation. [MedPage Today]
    as many as ~もの (強調)
  • Jennings estimated the pending use of the new agents ranges from 23 million people to 36 million people in the developed world by the year 2020. [MedPage Today]
    range from A to B A~Bの範囲である、~に及ぶ
  • Worth noting the researchers said, is that an increased consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, which are high in sulforaphane, appears to be associated with a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. [Medical Xpress]
    worth noting 注目に値する
  • In this study, they identified a four-fold decrease in the ability of prostate cancer cells to form colonies when LINC01116 was disrupted. [Medical Xpress]
    X-fold ~ X倍の~
  • The patient was treated with recombinant factor VIII, and his symptoms and hematomas resolved. [NEJM]
    be treated with ~ で治療する、処置する、~が投与される ※ 診察、薬の処方等治療全般に用いる。be treated by 人等
  • Unlike many chemotherapeutic drugs that affect healthy cells as well as malignant ones and can cause undesired side effects, the control of IncRNAs may offer a new way to specifically prevent or slow the progression of malignant cells. [Medical Xpress]
    unlike 前)~とは違って
  • In the United States, just over 6,000 people are diagnosed with ALS each year. [HealthDay News]
    be diagnosed with ~と診察される 参) diagnose someone with/as something, diagnose something as something ➡ e.g. (The illness was diagnosed as cancer.) [Oxford dictionary]
  • What causes ALS is unknown, but some reseach has identifies mercury as a risk factor. [HealthDay News]
    identify A as B AをBとして同定する 
  • The researchers administered one placebo or B-vitamin supplement (2.5 mg of folic acid, 50mg of vitamin B6, and 1 mg of vitamin B12) daily to each adult recruited for the trial. [Medical Xpress]
    administer ~を投与する
  • These drugs block the effect of a natural chemical that can lead to salt and fluid retention, which can contribute to high blood pressure. [everyday HEALTH]
    contribute to ~の一因である 
  • Using the ACE inhibitor lisinopril lowered risk of electrical conduction disease by 19 percent compared to the diuretic, and by 14 percent compared to the calcium channel blocker. [MedPage Today]
    by ~ ~ほど、~だけ ※ 程度を表すby、 by 変化量、to 変化後の数量 
  • Immune cells which are reduced in mumber by obesity could be a new target to treat such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension that affect overweight people, according to..... [Medical Xpress]
    reduce ~ in number ~の数を減らす 参) 例文は受動態 
  • Eosinophils are present in a layer of fat tissue called the perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT), which surrounds blood vessels and helps to maintain normal blood vessel function by reducing artery contraction. [Medical Xpress]
    be present 存在している  
  • Further, it appeared that taking more of the drug increased the survival advantage. [WebMD]
    more of ~ than … …というよりはむしろ~ ※ 名詞の場合は、「more of 名詞 than 名詞」、形容詞の場合は「more 形容詞 than 形容詞」になる 
  • Further, it appeared that taking more of the drug increased the survival advantage. [WebMD]
    It appears that ~ (客観的に) ~のように思える  
  • That finding could be lifesaving for these vulnerable patients, especially as pneumonia bacteria grow increasingly antibiotic-resistant. [Medical Xpress]
    vulnerable 脆弱な 同) susceptible  
  • Upon their enrollment in 2006-2010, these volunteers were interviewed about their diet, lifestyle, medical and reproductive history, and other factors. [Medical Xpress]
    upon enrollment 登録時に ※ 後ろに来る動作の性質によってuponの意味が若干変わる 
  • We think this line of research is very relevant to the many people who can't make this normone very well and are, clinically, very susceptible to these infection. [Medical Xpress]
    be relevant to ~に関係がある susceptible to ~の影響を受けやすい、~にかかりやすい  
  • Reseachers have found that a hormone responsible for controlling iron metabolism helps fight off a severe form of bacterial pneumonia, and ..... [Medical Xpress]
    responsible for ~に関与する…
  • High blood pressure is a good indicator of heart disease and stroke risk, but..... [Medical Xpress]
    indicator 指標 ※ a good indicator of ~ ~の良い指標
  • The literature shows that there's a relationship between pulse pressure and heart disease. [Medical Xpress]
    There is a relationship between A and B AとBの間には関係がある
  • Eating peanuts with a meal may help protect against cardiovascular diseases which can lead to heart attacks and stroke, according to.... [everyday HEALTH]
    lead to ~につながる(その結果に行きつく) ※ lead toの後には結果続く
  • She added that over time, the arterial stiffening response can limit blood flow throughout the body and cause the heart to work harder, increasing the risks of serious cardiovascular problem over time. [everyday HEALTH]
    cause ~の原因になる、~を引き起こす cause A to 不定詞 Aに~させる ※ 因果関係が明らかな場合に用いる。関係がそこまで明らかでない場合には、be associated with ~
  • The report finds that death rates during the period 2010-2014 decreased for 11 of the 16 most common types of cancer in men and for 13 of the 18 most common types of cancer in women, including lung, colorectal, female breast, and prostate cancers. [NIH]
    including ~ ~を含む、~などの ※ 全ては網羅していない。
  • Bisphenol S (BPS), a substitute for the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in the plastic industry, shows the potential for increasing the aggressiveness of breast cancer through its behavior as an endocrine-disrupting chemical, a new study finds. [Medical Xpress]
    show the potentical for ~ ~の(潜在的)可能性を示す
  • He and his colleagues studied the effects of BPS on estrogen receptor-alpha and the BRCA1 gene. [Medical Xpress]
    the effect of A on B AがBに与える影響(効果)
  • One promising strategy is called oral immunotherapy. [NIH]
    promising 有望な 
  • These medications may be effective for people with chronic kidney disease. [everyday HEALTH]
    be effective for ~に有効である 
  • All that said, you should talk to your doctor and decide what makes the most sense for you. [The Wasington Post Coronavious Update]
    all that said とは言え
  • All the patients were either 50 years of age or older or had one or more risk factors for disease progression. [NEJM]
    one or more1つ以上 
  • He had been well until 2 weeks earlier, when fatigue and fever developed on his final day of summer camp. [NEJM]
    develop ~を発症する、発現する
  • Whether this strategy works for other food allergies isn't known. [NIH]
    whether ~かどうか 


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